tirsdag 2. oktober 2012

A new beginning

Hello and welcome "From Leaves to Beans" a blog made and operated by me and my best friend Karoline. My name is Audun and I am a student, a freelance actor and I work as a salesman at a kitchen store.

I have always wanted to make a blog, but never found a proper theme to write about. Usually I end up with just a few posts about things that anoy me. But now I have decided to make a proper blog which I hope will turn out useful for people. I am making this blog to honor something people takes for granted and to help people with tastes and what is good for different occations. Hopefully there will be practical guides aswell, and I make a promise about lots of pictures. The theme of my blog is about:

Tea and Coffee

Yes, that is right, I am making a blog about tea and coffee, from leaves to beans. This will also probably become a place for other posts about movies and other fun stuff, but the main subject is different reviews of tea and coffee, from all around the world.
As well as making this blog for others, but I'm also making this blog for my own benefit. I want to get an overview over tea, tastes and travels, as well as the other things we decide to write on the blog. I have made a promise to myself that when I travel I'll do my best to find tea and exotic coffee shops where I can review coffee and tea. Of course this goes as far as my wallet streches, but I'll do my best. And perhaps a few times each months we'll try to review a "budget" tea where we'll go to the normal supermarket and by tea that is viewed as "common".

We hope that this blog will be an inspiration for people, become useful, as well as entertaining. We'll do our best to write the reviews and articles interesting so that they may catch your eyes easily. We promise pictures, funny moments and make it easier for people to find good beverage and practical ways in making tea and coffee.

My co-writer is my dear and best friend Karoline. She is a couple of years older than me and is a wonderful writer. Whenever we meet we always have some kind of hot beverage, so she was definitely the perfect co-writer for this blog.

We certainly hope you'll enjoy our blog, and comments, critic, ideas of teas, places, coffeeshops and so on.


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